15 September 2007

Jane Eyre

Annotation #18
"I wish she had died!"
"I had a dislike to her mother always."
"Her mind seemed wholly taken up with reminiscences of past gaity"
"Eliza still spoke little"
"Georgiana, a more vain and absurd animal than you, was certainly never allowed to cumber the earth"
"Everybody knows you are the most selfish heartless creature in existence"
"love me, then, or hate me, as you will, you have my full and free forgiveness, ask now for god's and be at peace."

Jane goes back to Gateshead Hall to see Mrs. Reed. She finds out why Mrs. Reed hated her so much. Also she see's that Georgiana and Eliza haven't changed because they still have a bitterness toward the other. It is here that Jane realizes how much she has matured from when she was ten.

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