14 September 2007

Jane Eyre

Annotation #15
"Good night my-"
"Mr. Rochester had again summoned the ladies round him, and was selecting certain of their number to be of his party."
"will you play?"
"Then appeared the magnificent figure of Miss her side walked Mr. Rochester"
"But I was not jealous, or very rarely..her mind was poor...She was not good; she was not original"
"this obvious absence of passion in his sentiment towards her, that my ever-burning pain arose."
"I saw he was going to marry her, for family, perhaps political reasons."
"She could not charm him."
"I was growing very lienent toward my master. I was forgetting all his faults."

Mr. Rochester is always in the presence of another woman, usually Miss Ingram. Jane isn't jealous of Ingram anymore. She realized that Miss Ingram isn't good enough for Mr. Rochester, she doesn't compare to him in mind. She notices that the two aren't truely in love.

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