05 October 2007

Jane Eyre

Annotation 32
"You have hitherto been my adopted brother-I, your adopted sister; let us continue as such: you and I had better not marry."
"Adopted fraternity will not do in this case..either our union must be consecrated and sealed by marriage, or it cannot exist."
Seek one elsewhere than in me, St. John; seek one fiitted to you."
"Oh! I will give my heart to God, You do not want it."
I was with an equal-one with whom I might argue-one whom, if I saw good, I might resist.
"You will hasten to enter into that union at once."
but my heart and mind would be free.
"A part of me you must bocome."
"It is what I want."
"I scorn your idea of love."
and during that time he made me feel what severe punishment, a good, yet stern, a conscientious, yet implaceable man can inflict on one who has offended him.
"No, St. John, I will not marry you. I adhere to my resolution."
"Formerly, because you did not love me; now, because you almost hate me. If I were to marry you, you would kill me. You are killing me now."
"I will, while in town, speak to a married missionary, whose wife needs a coadjutor."
"There is no dishonour; no breack or promise; no desertion in the case."
"I am. God did not give me my life to throw away; and to do as you wish me, would."
"Are you going to seek Mr. Rochester?"
"but he forgets, pitilessly, the feelings and claims of little people, in pursuing his own large views."

Jane tells St. John that she will not marry him because there is no love and he hates her; that she would gladly go with him as his sister. He wont get that through his head and keeps insisting that she made a promise to him when she never even did. He doesn't think of anyone elso except what God wants.

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